Saturday, April 16, 2011

teaching demonstration

Demonstration Speech Outline

After choosing your speech topic, the next step is to prepare yourdemonstration speech outline. A demonstration speech is a "how to" speech in which the speaker demonstrates to the audience how to do a particular process or activity.

The outline is easy to prepare since the body of the speech mainly contains the steps of the process or activity you are demonstrating.
An outline of a demonstration speech starts with an introduction that explains to the audience about what process will be demonstrated and includes any history or background that is interesting or helpful to the audience.
For example, if you were to demonstrate how to tie dye clothing, you might include some history of tie dying and show some examples of the types of clothing and accessories that can be tie dyed in the introduction of your speech.
The body of a demonstration speech can be divided into several sections.
Demonstration Speech Outline for a Speech on ScrapbookingIf you are demonstrating how to make a craft project, for example, you might have a section on materials, then one containing all the steps, and a final section on how to care for or display the finished product.
The sections would be the main points of your speech.
For example, if you were to write a demonstration speech outline for a speech about how to make a scrapbook, it might look something like this.


1. How many of you have a box of old photographs? Or maybe a stack of newer ones that keep piling up? How would you like to create something with those photographs that will be fun for you to make and give people pleasure for years?
2. Today I am going to show you some great ideas for how to preserve your old and new photographs by scrapbooking. 
3. Scrapbooking has been around for ages but recently people have taken more of an interest in it and there are many new and fun tools to use.

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